PTV News Report on Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Javad Zarif meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi…


PTV News Report on Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Javad Zarif meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi…

PTV News Report on Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Javad Zarif meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi and short Media Talk in Islamabad (31.08.18)

ایران کے وزیر خارجہ جواد ظریف کی قیادت میں وفد نے وزیر خارجہ شاہ محمود قریشی سے وفود کی سطح پر اسلام آباد میں مذاکرات کئے ۔مذاکرات میں تمام شعبوں میں تعاون اورباہمی تعلقات کے فروغ پر تبادلہ خیال کیاگیا ۔
دفترخارجہ کے مطابق افغانستان کی صورتحال اور ایران اورعالمی طاقتوں کے درمیان جوہری معاہد ے سے امریکہ کے یکطرفہ طور پرنکلنے اور خطے اور عالمی مسائل پربات کی گئی ۔ ملاقات میں معیشت ،تجارت ،روابط ،ثقافت اورعوامی سطح پررابطوں کی مزید مضبوطی پربھی گفتگوکی گئی ۔جواد ظریف نے ایرانی قیادت کی جانب سے نئی حکومت کی کامیابی کیلئے نیک خواہشات کا اظہار کیا ۔
آواز۔ایرانی وزیر۔شاہ محمود قریشی

Iranian Foreign Minister Meets Shah Mehmood Qureshi
Pakistan and Iran have underlined the need to promote bilateral relations in all areas of cooperation.

The understanding came during meeting between Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Islamabad.

They held detailed discussions on regional and global issues including the situation in Afghanistan and US decision to unilaterally withdraw from the joint comprehensive plan of action .

Shah Mehmood Qureshi noted the potential for strengthening the already strong bilateral relationship. Pakistan and Iran have stood by each other in difficult moments.

The Foreign Minister stressed that Pakistan greatly values Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s strong and unswerving support for the just struggle of the people of Kashmir.

Supporting Iran’s principled stance on nuclear accord with world powers, Mr. Qureshi expressed the hope that remaining parties to the agreement would uphold their commitments in letter and spirit.

Foreign Minister Zarif congratulated the Foreign Minister that Pakistan’s strong protest against the blasphemous caricature competition had led to cancellation of the event.

He said Muslim countries needed to confront Islamophobic tendencies with one voice.

It was agreed to host the next rounds of bilateral political consultations and the joint economic commission at early dates.

Useful exchange of views on strengthening cooperation in economic, trade and connectivity sectors, cultural and people to people links, took place.