Prime Minister Imran Khan tweet’s on meeting with President Donald Trump (23.07.19)


Prime Minister Imran Khan tweet’s on meeting with President Donald Trump (23.07.19)

Prime Minister Imran Khan tweet’s on meeting with President Donald Trump (23.07.19)

I want to thank President Trump for his warm & gracious hospitality, his understanding of Pakistan’s point of view & his wonderful way of putting our entire delegation at ease. Appreciate the President taking out time to show us the historic White House private quarters. I want to assure President Trump Pakistan will do everything within its power to facilitate the Afghan peace process. The world owes it to the long-suffering Afghan people to bring about peace after 4 decades of conflict.Surprised by reaction of India to Pres Trump’s offer of mediation to bring Pak & India to dialogue table for resolving Kashmir conflict which has held subcontinent hostage for 70 yrs. Generations of Kashmiris have suffered & are suffering daily and need conflict resolution.
#PrimeMinisterImranKhan #KhanMeetsTrump