Prime Minister Imran Khan Message for Kashmir Black Day (27.10.18)


Prime Minister Imran Khan Message for Kashmir Black Day (27.10.18)

Prime Minister Imran Khan Message for Kashmir Black Day (27.10.18)
#KashmirBlackDay #PrimeMinisterImranKhan

“Twenty Seventh October marks a tragic day in the history of South Asia. This is the day India sent in its armed forces to occupy Jammu & Kashmir against the aspirations and fundamental rights of the Kashmiri people as well as against all principles of International Law. For seven decades, India has occupied Jammu & Kashmir in contravention of UNSC resolutions that ordain the holding of a plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people. It has used coercion, brutal suppression of the rights of the people, economic blandishments and sham electoral processes to crush the will of Kashmiris and legitimize its occupation. The recent UN Report on Kashmir is an acknowledgement of Indian policies of occupation that include well documented human rights atrocities. The recommendation to set up a UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate human rights abuses by Indian occupation forces should immediately be implemented. The continued brutal suppression of Kashmiri people and recent surge in killings of young Kashmiris requires urgent action. The valiant, brave and courageous people of Indian occupied Kashmir deserve the admiration of the world. Pakistan will not relent in its moral, political and diplomatic support until the Kashmiris realize their legitimate right to self-determination in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.” – Prime Minister of Pakistan
Imran Khan